1,451 research outputs found

    Aplicación de un sistema de información geográfica en la gestión avanzada de la red de colectores de Valencia

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    La ingente cantidad de información presente en el Sistema de Drenaje Urbano de cualquier ciudad hace imposible su gestión mediante procedimientos tradicionales. Por otra parte, el mantenimiento y crecimiento de esta red consume todos los años un porcentaje apreciable del presupuesto municipal. Por ello se hace necesario la implantación de un Sistema Avanzado de Gestión que pueda "digerir" la información existente, y pueda ayudar en la priorización de las inversiones futuras en la red. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar SIRA, que es una aplicación de un SIG en la Gestión Avanzada de un Sistema de Drenaje Urbano, y que se encuentra en este momento parcialmente operativo en la ciudad de Valencia

    Aportación interdisciplinar al currículum de la formación profesional de los liceos franceses. El proyecto artístico y cultural

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    La Educación Artística y Cultural se integra en las prácticas escolares como una dimensión fundamental en la formación de los alumnos. Se entiende que las artes son la puerta que da paso a otros conocimientos, al mismo tiempo, que posibilita el acceso hacia otras culturas e idiomas. Este artículo trata de exponer el papel preponderante que la Educación Artístico-Cultural está jugando en los últimos años en el sistema escolar francés. Nos hemos centrado en el desarrollo de este sector de la educación en el caso concreto de los Liceos franceses de Enseñanza Profesional, donde se ha introducido con gran fuerza.The Artistic and Cultural Education is in the school practices as a fundamental dimension the formation of the pupils. There is understood that the arts are the door that gives step to other knowledges, at the same time, which makes the access possible towards other cultures and languages. This article tries to expose the preponderant role that the Artistic-Cultural Education is playing in the last years in the school French system. We have centred on the development of this sector of the education on the concrete case of the French Lyceums of Vocational Education, where it has interfered with great force

    Discrete Robotic Assemblies

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    The projects featured in this paper aim to demonstrate the potential of Discrete Robotic Assembly in architecture. Although still in its early stages, this research proves that there is an increase in construction efficiency within a discrete design framework. The research shows how a limited set of assembly possibilities eases the automation of the manufacturing process and leads to a reduction of labour, construction time, and cost. This intrinsic link between discrete design methods and automation hints at a potential shift in the construction industry governed by a new paradigm in computational design, where architectural elements are defined from and for automation

    Discrete Robotic Assemblies: Towards an automated Architecture

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    The projects featured in this paper aim to demonstrate the potential of Discrete Robotic Assembly in architecture. Although still in its early stages, this research proves that there is an increase in construction efficiency within a discrete design framework. The research shows how a limited set of assembly possibilities eases the automation of the manufacturing process and leads to a reduction of labour, construction time, and cost. This intrinsic link between discrete design methods and automation hints at a potential shift in the construction industry governed by a new paradigm in computational design, where architectural elements are defined from and for automation

    A decentralized framework for multi-agent robotic systems

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    Over the past few years, decentralization of multi-agent robotic systems has become an important research area. These systems do not depend on a central control unit, which enables the control and assignment of distributed, asynchronous and robust tasks. However, in some cases, the network communication process between robotic agents is overlooked, and this creates a dependency for each agent to maintain a permanent link with nearby units to be able to fulfill its goals. This article describes a communication framework, where each agent in the system can leave the network or accept new connections, sending its information based on the transfer history of all nodes in the network. To this end, each agent needs to comply with four processes to participate in the system, plus a fifth process for data transfer to the nearest nodes that is based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and data history. To validate this framework, we use differential robotic agents and a monitoring agent to generate a topological map of an environment with the presence of obstacles

    Efectividad de la terapia combinada a dosis fijas en una cohorte de hipertensos no controlados con monoterapia

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    ObjetivoEvaluar la efectividad de lisinoprilhidroclorotiazida a dosis fijas en el control de la presión arterial en hipertensos tratados con monoterapia y mal controlados.DiseñoEstudio observacional, prospectivo.EmplazamientoAtención primaria.ParticipantesCiento noventa y nueve médicos de atención primaria que incluyeron a 931 pacientes (56,7% mujeres), con edad media de 62,0 ± 10,3 años. Finalizaron el estudio 915 pacientes (98%) que se incluyeron en el análisis.Mediciones principalesSe siguieron las recomendaciones de la OMS/SIH en la medición de la presión arterial y el diagnóstico de mal control. Además, se evaluaron presión del pulso, índice de masa corporal y parámetros analíticos básicos. Se realizaron 4 visitas durante 6 meses de seguimiento.ResultadosLisinopril-hidroclorotiazida (20/12,5mg) disminuyó significativamente la PAS (24,6 ± 3,5mmHg) y la PAD (14,3 ± 0,7mmHg) (p < 0,001). El control de la presión arterial aumentó hasta el 52,8% (p < 0,001). La edad fue la única variable que influyó en el control de la presión arterial (OR, 0,81; IC del 95%, 0,71-0,92%; p = 0,001). La presión del pulso disminuyó 10,4 ± 4,3mmHg (p < 0,001). A las 24 semanas de tratamiento, se observó una mejoría en el perfil glucémico y lipídico, y de la HbA1c en los diabéticos.ConclusionesEn atención primaria, lisinopril-hidroclorotiazida (20/12,5mg), controló la presión arterial del 52,8% los de hipertensos mal controlados con monoterapia. Además, disminuyó la presión del pulso y mejoró el perfil lipídico y el glucémico.ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness of the fixed dose of a lisinoprilhydrochlorothiazide combination treatment in the control of blood pressure, in poorly controlled high blood pressure people, treated with monotherapy.DesignProspective observational study.SettingPrimary care frame.Participants931 patients (56.7% women) with an average age of 62.0±10.3 years, were included by 199 primary care physicians. 915 patients (98%) ended the study and finally they were included for the statistical analysis.Main measurementsOMS/SIH recommendations on blood pressure measurement and diagnose of poor control were followed. Pulse pressure, body mass index and basic clinical analyses were assessed. Four continuation visits were made during six months.ResultsLisinopril–hidrochlorothiazide (20/12.5mg) reduced significantly SBP (24.6±3.5mm Hg) and DBP (14,3±0.7mm Hg) (P<.001). Blood pressure control was only influenced by age (OR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.71-0.92; P=.001). Pulse pressure was reduced in 10.4±4.3mm Hg (P<.001). After 24 weeks of treatment, glycemic and lipidic profiles showed an improvement, as well as HbA1c in diabetic people.ConclusionsIn Primary care, a 52.8% of poorly controlled with monotherapy high blood pressure people were controlled by a combination of lisinoprilhydrochlorothiazide (20/12.5mg). In addition, pulse pressure was decreased and both lipid and glucose blood profiles improved

    Classification of high dimensional and imbalanced hyperspectral imagery data

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    The present paper addresses the problem of the classification of hyperspectral images with multiple imbalanced classes and very high dimensionality. Class imbalance is handled by resampling the data set, whereas PCA is applied to reduce the number of spectral bands. This is a preliminary study that pursues to investigate the benefits of using together these two techniques, and also to evaluate the application order that leads to the best classification performance. Experimental results demonstrate the significance of combining these preprocessing tools to improve the performance of hyperspectral imagery classification. Although it seems that the most effective order of application corresponds to first a resampling algorithm and then PCA, this is a question that still needs a much more thorough investigationPartially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under grants CSD2007–00018, AYA2008–05965–0596–C04–04/ESP and TIN2009–14205–C04–04, and by Fundació Caixa Castelló–Bancaixa under grant P1–1B2009–0

    One-Sided Prototype Selection on Class Imbalanced Dissimilarity Matrices

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    In the dissimilarity representation paradigm, several prototype selection methods have been used to cope with the topic of how to select a small representation set for generating a low-dimensional dissimilarity space. In addition, these methods have also been used to reduce the size of the dissimilarity matrix. However, these approaches assume a relatively balanced class distribution, which is grossly violated in many real-life problems. Often, the ratios of prior probabilities between classes are extremely skewed. In this paper, we study the use of renowned prototype selection methods adapted to the case of learning from an imbalanced dissimilarity matrix. More specifically, we propose the use of these methods to under-sample the majority class in the dissimilarity space. The experimental results demonstrate that the one-sided selection strategy performs better than the classical prototype selection methods applied over all classes

    Gait-based Gender Classification Considering Resampling and Feature Selection

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    Two intrinsic data characteristics that arise in many domains are the class imbalance and the high dimensionality, which pose new challenges that should be addressed. When using gait for gender classification, benchmarking public databases and renowned gait representations lead to these two problems, but they have not been jointly studied in depth. This paper is a preliminary study that pursues to investigate the benefits of using several techniques to tackle the aforementioned problems either singly or in combination, and also to evaluate the order of application that leads to the best classification performance. Experimental results show the importance of jointly managing both problems for gait-based gender classification. In particular, it seems that the best strategy consists of applying resampling followed by feature selection

    Heart rate analysis of high level basketball players during training sessions

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    The aim of the study was to assess through the heart rate (HR) the intensity of training sessions with elite basketball players. Eleven basketball players belonging to a Leb Oro team used HR monitors during 12 training sessions providing 238 HR files. In each exercise the number of players, type of exercise, type of defense, dimensions of the field and time were analyzed, calculating their HRmax, % HRmax, HRmed, and % HRmed depending on their specific positions (Guard, Forward and Centers). No significant differences were found based on the number of players or dimensions of the field, however more intensity was observed in the individual defense (p < .01). Moreover, there is a tendency to have greater intensity at SUP and INF drills. Centers reached the highest intensity in drills with more spaces (1x1, 2x2, SUP, INF) while Guards showed greater intensity in 3x3, 4x4 y 5x5 drills. The results of this study will help improve the planning and scheduling of workoutsEl objetivo del estudio es conocer la intensidad, mediante la frecuencia cardiaca (FC), de los ejercicios utilizados por un equipo de elite de baloncesto. 11 jugadores pertenecientes a un equipo de Leb Oro utilizaron pulsómetros durante 12 sesiones, obteniendo 238 registros de FC. En cada ejercicio se registraron el número de jugadores, tipo de ejercicio, volumen, tipo de defensa y dimensiones del campo, obteniéndose la FCmáx, % FCmáx, FCmed y % FCmed en función de los puestos específicos (Base, Alero y Pívot). No hubo diferencias significativas en función del número de jugadores o las dimensiones del campo, aunque se observó que la defensa individual era más intensa (p < .01). Asimismo los ejercicios de superioridades e inferioridades fueron los de mayor intensidad. Los Pívots obtuvieron mayor intensidad en ejercicios con mucho espacio, mientras que en 3x3, 4x4 y 5x5 fueron los Bases los que mostraron mayores intensidades. Los resultados de este estudio ayudarán a mejorar la planificación y programación de las sesiones y ejercicios